Stop motion animation is nothing new to the world of video creation but with the lowering costs of camera and support equipment the world is opening up to the so called, "Average man." I came across this short animation and it has quickly become my favorite. The immersive journey and emotion comes out magnificently drawing me into the story. The director Tom Jenkins is to be commended for his creativity and vision for this story of a small desk toy that longs to escape the confines of his office tomb. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Address Is Approximate from The Theory on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Backgrounds in Motion
For those who are looking for a cool new project or are looking for a great new look for your photos give this a try. The Slanted Lens brings us another great video showing some very interesting techniques in order to achieve a nice motion background blur. I also saw Joe McNally do a similar shot using a moving fire engine that came out awesome. With a little effort and proper setup you can create some great new looks for your clients. Check out the video for the details and keep on creating.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Searching for the LIght with Tom Hido
Every once and a while I will come across a photographer that really inspires me to dig deeper in order to move past the mundane and boring and strive for perfection. Todd Hido is one such photographer. When I viewed his body of work I was struck by the realism in a sea of over processed, over saturated and just plain blaahhhhh photos out there. I knew there was something different about Todd's work besides just the captivating subjects and the minimalism he brings to his photos. The photos had a great depth to them in tonality and color but were real and tangible to my eye. He also, get ready for this, shoots film yes you heard right film. Todd prefers to use a Pentax 6X7 SLR for his body of work. I love his reasoning which is if it isn't broke don't fix it. He shoots with 400 speed color negative film and processes his own prints in his darkroom. I am of the opinion that the nest in fine art images are still being produced on medium format film or larger formats. His personal art does inspire me to look further within myself then project outward my photographic desires. This is a great interview with Todd done a short while ago which helps you peer into his way of seeing. I hope you are as enlightened as I was. Enjoy.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hundreds of Cameras and Flashes
This video gives you an idea what can be done with hundreds of camera with flashes attached and a little technical ingenuity, well maybe a lot. The outcome is nothing short of fantastic in my opinion. I especially like the Matrix style effects obtained with the wall of cameras from the rear of the band. Just some great overall editing and imagination. The band is Androp from Japan. Enjoy!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
You Thought Knocking Down Dominos Was Awesome!!!!
This is absolutely amazing. How they set this up and got it to work flawlessly is beyond me I was glued to the screen. You have to watch to the end. I am just blown away. Enjoy!!!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Blatant Lie
Will no one stand up for what is right. Will the artist never see his day. The corruption runs so deep that it permeates the layers of morality rotting it to the core. Ohhhh when will the toils of the artist be protected from the Goliath's of this world. In my minds eye I learn to create. The image forms as a single cell multiplying until it is visualized on photo paper. Here the siren call or it will come for you too.
Ryan Doco Connors vs. Sugar Factory from Brian Ceci on Vimeo.
Ryan Doco Connors vs. Sugar Factory from Brian Ceci on Vimeo.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Michael Levin a Master of the Black and White
I scour the internet on an almost daily basis searching for tidbits of learning and inspiration. Sometimes I wish I could have those moments of my life back and other times I come across something so profound to me that I am called to a higher energy in my thinking where my minds eye opens to new possibilities. I refer to this as a sort of high where the brain chemistry is just firing away churning out new ideas and renewed vigor for discovery and experimenting in my photography. This is the way I felt after watching this video and seeing the work of Michael Levin. I am just in awe of the simplicity of his photographs and the technical excellence which they clutch to themselves. This is in stark contrast to the many photographers that shoot and shoot but never attain their form to this level of the art. I hope to keep my eyes set on the teaching learned in this video in all forms of my work. The videography is also exceptional and really matches the body of work Michael creates. Enjoy.
KI: Michael Levin from Brad Kremer on Vimeo.
KI: Michael Levin from Brad Kremer on Vimeo.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Michael Justus Class of 2011
I had the pleasure of meeting a very squared away young man through his incredible mother Julie. Michael knows the world is his oyster and he is ready to jump both feet into the life he has ahead. Michael has a distinct vision of where he desires to be and is looking forward to a prosperous future in mechanical engineering. Well Michael my hat is off to you as you look into the future. Had an incredible shoot with Michael doing some softer shots for Mom then on to the edge to capture some images of who Michael is. Thanks for the awesome shoot Michael this slideshow is for you, enjoy.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Battle at F-Stop Ridge
This was just way to funny not to post on the blog. The Camera Store created this promo video in which a war rages on using cameras instead of guns. Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Film what is that?
In the world we live in today as photographers the pace is mind numbing and maybe even creatively numbing. I was just having the conversation with my mother that when weddings were shot using film solely 300 to 400 shots were common for an average wedding. Today in the land of digital people treat a camera as if it is the latest 3000 round per minute military submachine gun and blast away at the client generating thousands of files which are either fundamentally the same or just creatively junk. I myself have been guilty of just this turning out so many photos to be viewed and culled that it can take a considerable amount of time. This all leads to the video below where we find a well respected photographer who is traveling the world to photograph the most influential people of the second which is just about the amount of time we have to spend on any one thing before moving on the the next. Does this gentleman annihilate his subjects in a hail of frames to only hope that one or two might be pretty good. No, he tests the light and manipulates the light, uses the light he is given then adds his on light. He tests then tests again then retests to make sure the exposure is just right. He uses Polaroids to get a glimpse of what will expose on that piece of celluloid in the end. Then he loads his Mamiya 7II with medium format film and begins to create art not hammer away hoping for at least a good shot out of a thousand. Each press of the shutter on a film camera represents an investment in time, money, skill, experience and creativity. This investment means the mind stays conscious of the fact and concentrates because each actuation of the shutter counts. Enjoy the video and take care of your personal composition. Try to think of the shot before you actuate high speed drive and take the shutter into warp speed. Peace!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Shana and Matt
How would I describe this wedding fun fun fun and what a beautiful day. When you get married in San Diego you are almost guaranteed an awesome day and this one did not disappoint. I was the second shoot to a good friend of mine Pete Larson of San Diego Wedding Pics. Pete is a phenomenal photographer and you should look at his work. Thanks Pete! Now Matt and Shana were an awesome couple and obviously just a perfect for each other. The picked a beautiful venue for the wedding, the Bahia Hotel, right on the San Diego Bay. The ceremony took place at a beautiful secluded garden at the hotel with a quaint pond in the background. Then when the ceremony was over and formals were done we all boarded an antique paddle wheel boat and headed out into the bay for an incredible cruise. The atmosphere was spectacular with a massive stained glass roof over the dining area and then it was down to the lower floor for the party and a party it was. Words can not describe the incredible ambiance of this paddle wheeler. To cap off the evening the paddle wheeler maneuvers into position to see the fireworks display from Sea World. Congratulations Shana and Matt you both were incredible and thanks Pete for the opportunity to shoot with you.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Poetry of Photography
A fabulous piece of surf photography poetry by Mickey Smith. Just relish in the truth of his words and be amazed by the cinematography. Enjoy.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Pocket Wizard Love
Hey all, just wanted to do a little intro to my latest acquisitions the newly released Pocket Wizard Mini TT1 , the Flex TT5 and the AC3 zone controller for Nikon. I am super excited to be able to finally get these gems in my hot little hands. Ever since the Canon version came out I have been anxiously awaiting for Pocket Wizard to finally produce the Nikon version since that is my camera system of choice. Well, just got them all out of the boxes and did a few test shots and the one awesome thing I can tell you right up front is I am getting spot on TTL exposures using Hyper Synch capabilities at 1/400th of a second yes you read that right 1/400th of a second. Can you say awesome exposures in bright sunlight. This is not the magical High Speed Synch which reduces your flash power this is a straight up regular exposure using TTL. So am I happy oh yea I am. The capabilities of these units is incredible and I can not wait to get out in some crappy midday light to give them a try. We currently have rain and a nice blanket of clouds so that will have to wait. As far as range, I had my son watching the flash connected to the TT5 as I walked around my 3400 square foot home trying to put as many walls and obstacles between me and the flashes as possible and not one did the Pocket Wizards not fire. Awesome. My first real test of the system will come next week when I do an engagement shoot on location. We are going to be doing a little hiking to a location so the portability of my system will be paramount. I will let you know how it goes and post up some pics after the shoot. Well that's it for now be well and stay sexy!!!!!
Pocket Wizard Love
Hey all, just wanted to do a little intro to my latest acquisitions the newly released Pocket Wizard Mini TT1 , the Flex TT5 and the AC3 zone controller. I am super excited to be able to finally get these gems in my hot little hands. Ever since the Canon version came out I have been anxiously awaiting for Pocket Wizard to finally produce the Nikon version since that is my camera system of choice. Well, just got them all out of the boxes and did a few test shots and the one awesome thing I can tell you right up front is I am getting spot on TTL exposures using Hyper Synch capabilities at 1/400th of a second yes you read that right 1/400th of a second. Can you say awesome exposures in bright sunlight. This is not the magical High Speed Synch which reduces your flash power this is a straight up regular exposure using TTL. So am I happy oh yea I am. The capabilities of these units is incredible and I can not wait to get out in some crappy midday light to give them a try. We currently have rain and a nice blanket of clouds so that will have to wait. As far as range, I had my son watching the flash connected to the TT5 as I walked around my 3400 square foot home trying to put as many walls and obstacles between me and the flashes as possible and not one did the Pocket Wizards not fire. Awesome. My first real test of the system will come next week when I do an engagement shoot on location. We are going to be doing a little hiking to a location so the portability of my system will be paramount. I will let you know how it goes and post up some pics after the shoot. Well that's it for now be well and stay sexy!!!!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Lost Film
Human interaction is so important to most all of us. We cherish the moments we spend with our loved ones and hold dear all of those memories created second by second. Only photos seem to be able to capture the essence of those human interactions we experience forever freezing them in time. This video characterizes to me in many ways the ability of we as human beings to be able to coexist together on this little small spinning ball in a mind numbingly vast expanse we call the universe. Every moment counts every interactions matters. This story touches me in that you have strangers opening their lives to someone they have never met. Cultures colliding and coalescing together in order to just return this small celluloid strip of memories and bonds are formed forever. Enjoy.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
He Who Has the Most Toys
If he who has the most toys wins than Yuri Acurs is the all time winner forever. If I could get my hands on just 1/4th of what he has at his disposal I would be in heaven. Anyone want to contribute to my new I want what this guy has fund? I have always been a firm believer is using the right tool for the right job and photography is no different. If you want a great round catchlight use an octa. If you want that great window light soft look go for a large box up close. Could do some great things with that spot. I must say that strip banks are not just for product work though. You can get some great portraits with using them solely but then that might be a matter of style. Check out the vid and leave a comment if you feel so inclined. Stay sexy ya'll.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sight, unnecessary to create compelling photographs!
As we may at times be inclined to do complaints about lack of subject matter or what to shoot or how to get the light just right. I watched this video and gained a renewed perspective on the art of photography. I realized how little I use all of my sense in order to capture compelling images. Always trying to see the image but not smelling, feeling or tasting the image. Is this not what we want the viewer to come away with after viewing a compelling image. Enjoy the video and as always stay sexy!
| Artists Wanted | In Focus : Pete Eckert (Lo-Speed) from Artists Wanted on Vimeo.
| Artists Wanted | In Focus : Pete Eckert (Lo-Speed) from Artists Wanted on Vimeo.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Fantastic Time Lapse Video
This is another great example of what can be done with a DSLR capable of high definition video, some specialized equipment and some vision. I believe some of this video was also done in HDR which adds even more to the etheral feel of the environment. The music score is spot on to help saute the emotion which wells up in one as they observe this once great construct which is now reduced to rubble and decay. My desire to shoot in this environment is intense. Enjoy the video.
TheChapel. A short film. (HDR timelapse) from Patryk Kizny on Vimeo.
TheChapel. A short film. (HDR timelapse) from Patryk Kizny on Vimeo.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Old School
Here is a photographer that takes it back to the 1800's in order to make lasting lifelong images for families. Back in the days of using 8X10 and 11X14 view cameras not just anybody was jumping on the bandwagon to make a few bucks shooting portraits. In the days of yore you had to put in some serious effort to generate just one image. Many photos were done on glass plates with one type being the ambrotype. I found this video fascinating and Harry Taylor, the photographer, shows us step by step the process that was done in order to generate the final positive image. Far different today as we blast away at 8 frames a second with our 15 megapixel digital SLR's filling up memory cards faster that a hot dog eating champion can down the last dog. So many photos today will be taken, stored then never seen again which makes me wonder if our investment in the image is directly related to the value it has. When you had to go through an extensive process of making your own plates, probably glass, and getting them safely to a shoot and back, I can only imagine that each and every image is invaluable and truly a labor of love, sweat and tears. You definitely won't be cranking out image after image just in the hopes one comes out tack sharp or at least the eyes are in focus you would make sure the eyes are in focus. Enjoy and stay sexy.
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